Two-minute exercise with the foot massage mat
Because the foot massage mat is designed to exert fairly strong pressure on the contact points on the foot, the use of socks is recommended, especially in the beginning. To avoid losing balance, it is important to hold onto a chair or other solid object while using the mat. The simple exercise outlined below can be used as a starting point for using the foot massage mat. Marching up and down to the count of 16 for each of the five foot positions, and repeating this twice, takes about two minutes. Many clients do this exercise twice a day on a regular basis.

Marching up and down ... on the toes, up and down ...

on the sides, up and down... on the heels, up and down...

on the mound, up and down... back on the flat, up and down...
We have found that it is a good idea to leave the mat in a location that we visit at least twice a day, such as near the bedroom door where we hang our pyjamas. Then we are automatically reminded to do the mat exercise. Others have told us that they leave the mat in the kitchen, so they can use it while preparing food or washing up. Some people keep a mat at their workplace, where they share it with their co-workers. The mat can be used as part of a relaxing ritual. It is a good idea to experiment, both with where to put the mat and how and when to use it.
To watch a video about the mat, including a demonstration of how to use it, please
click here.
If you would like to order a mat, please go to our
order page.